Monday, April 20, 2009

Fairy-tale and Real Life

I finally watched Disney on Ice with Wce on Saturday... After a long deliberation and not able to attempt the lust, we decided to buy the ticket...tribune ticket hahahahah...
Waited in about half an hour, finally the show was begun.. Sure we were excited..always clapped our hands gaily..and admired..and was eager..hohohohoho... After about 2hours took in the gay stage play, the show was ended..

And from that play, 1 moral message i've got.. Keep dreaming and BE A GOOD PERSON.
But it seems that real life would never be as fair as fairy-tale since it has many arduous things to be faced. Indeed, that real life is tough. And since last Saturday, I thought I've stepped on a new path of my life, with more pains.


  1. And since last Saturday, I thought I've stepped on a new path of my life, with more pains.

    Pains? why lipon why...? sedih bacanya..huhu

    jgn segan2 menghubungiku ya bwt jasa pendengar yg baik.. misyuuu :) :)

  2. pains maksudnya bukan kesedihan ato penderitaan mik... tp daya upaya usaha... hahahahah...
    kau sungguh perhatian ma
